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Find Security Service Providers by Service Categories, Here you can find security service based on requirement like Event related Security, Industrial Security Guard, Residential Society Security Service etc.
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We have Security Businesses classified based on their review from customers. further we have analyzed business and their license for valid security service provider. based on certain criteria we have ranked service provider.
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Security Wale - India's Best Security Service Portal

Welcome to the Security Business Directory Find Security Agency and Security Service Provider Near Your (Me) Location – Security Wale, your comprehensive guide to the top security companies and facility services in the industry. We understand the importance of keeping your personal and professional life secure, and that’s why we have gathered information on some of the most trusted and reliable security companies. Thus, user gets the information as per requirement.
Our Aim is to provide accurate and trusted information on security companies. We provide supplier information on category wise like security guard service, Manpower Service, Bouncer, Event security and many more. further we serve information city and area wise across India by which you can choose nearest service provider. Also, we have advance search feature with wide filter options.
Check Features of Directory
- Get Security Service Providers Near to your location (Area, City, State)
- Select Supplier as per your service requirements (Eg. Security, House Keeping, Exmen)
- Filter according to flexibility of suppliers
- Connect with the best service provider (Trusted, Verified Supplier Tag)